personal factor, human factor, training of pilots, safety of flightsAbstract
The paper discusses the factors that affect the pilot’s operation during the flight. These factors are divided into personal, human, psychological and physical. Personal and human factors in aviation practice are needed to be distinguished for the purpose of objective classification of the reasons of accident rate and detecting of scheduled maintenance objects. The paper concluded the reasons of faulty actions of the personnel, as well as the reasons for their nervous tension during the flight. The most common error of pilot’s activities occurs in unexpectedly dangerous situations. Analysis of the causes of flight incidents allows claiming that the number of incidents related to human and personal factors tends to rise. In this work there are recommendations that increase flight safety and directed to decrease negative impact of personal factors. Applying means for recording flight parameters allows to hold a postflight debriefing for the purpose of correction staff actions. The understanding and taking into account psychophysiological, pilot’s moral qualities allow using flight and tactical opportunities of the aircraft entirely and also to ensure flight safety.References
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Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
Положення про конфіденційність
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