life resilience, personality, teenager, adolescence, coping strategies, interpersonal relationships, motivationAbstract
The theoretical analysis of the actual problem of life resilience as an integral personality trait that is responsible for the success of overcoming life difficulties is provided in the article. Three autonomous components of it (inclusiveness, control, acceptance of risk), life resilience orientation, life resilience relationships and features of life resilience of person’s behavior are characterized. The possible consequences of insufficient development of life resilience are noted. The results of the empirical research of life resilience ways in the completion period of its forming — in adolescence are examined. The relationship between life resilience of modern teenagers and their motivation, interpersonal relations and coping strategies, namely fields of life in which life resilience is most clearly observed is shown. According to the results of the research, it is found that teenagers with the high level of life resilience (it is 56 % by our data) in stressful situations choose strategies aimed at solving problems, they are motivated by the desire to achieve success, ready to take risks, are close to their social environment, and on the contrary want to maintain contacts with others and take responsibility for their own actions. Teenagers with the low level of life resilience (it is 26 % by our data) in stressful situations want to avoid solving problems individually, and more often they devalue its significance. They are motivated to avoid failures and focus more on themselves, limiting the circle of close people. In life such teenagers take a passive position without trying to change something. Materials of the research can be used by practical psychologists for the organization of corrective work with teenagers.References
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