adaptation, aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, disadaptation, traumatic experienceAbstract
The problem of adaptation in modern society is investigated in many fields of science, in particular, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, physiology etc. This is stipulated due to the fact that lability to external conditions is necessary for normal existence of any alive organism. Lack of opportunity to adaptation causes the phenomenon of disadaptation that means inability to adapt to the environment. The most vulnerable age category to the problem of disadaptation is adolescent age. This is conditioned by psychophysiological changes that are experienced by children. Such parameters as aggressiveness and anxiety were chosen for the research work, As being the most common and the most influential factors as disadaptation. Aggressive behaviour and heightened/ abnormal anxiety lead to constant conflicts and social isolation of a child, And they have negative influence on child’s further development and self-realization. 151 students of the abovementioned comprehensive school took part in the research. They were divided into three groups: those who didn’t survive traumatic experience (relatively), insured (those who survived traumatic experience), and adolescents who have latent injury (they survived traumatic experience more than one year ago). As a result of the research work the following data were obtained: 1)the most often applied strategies for adolescents are «emotional aggression «and «verbal aggression «, the lowest level of aggression belongs to those children who didn’t survive traumatic experience, children who survived traumatic experience have the highest level of aggression, the highest level of anxiety is shown by actually injured children. In both groups of those who didn’t survive traumatic experience and children with latent trauma these indices are very similar. It corroborates the theory that children’s psychics is able to process traumatic memories during a certain period of time.References
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