
  • О. В. Царькова Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after B. Khmelnytsky, Ukraine



neurosis, depression, apathy, personality, mental stress, therapy, family, relationships, psychological assistance


This paper deals with problem of the etiology of mothers’ raising children with neurophysiological disabilities neurosis. The definition of the concept of «neurosis» is applied. The basic scientific works regarding to neurotic disorders are analyzed. Attention is paid to psycho-emotional and physical condition of mothers of children with special needs. It is concluded that the main cause of neurosis is prolonged mental stress and abuse of family life. Also, this paper highlights the problem of abuse of social ties of family, which grows a special child. It is noted that the constant stress and tension negatively affect inner interaction. Attention is focused on the parents’ acception, especially mother’, of the child who has neurophysiological defects. It’s determined that expressed neurophysiological child abuses, and mother’s personal features can be the source of maternal deprivation. Also, the article discusses the peculiarities of communication between mother and child. The traumatic effect on mother’s emotional state during interaction with a child who has neurophysiological defects is determined. It was concluded that this aspect deepens mother’s internal experience and impacts negatively on the further development and education of the child. Also, this paper highlights the psychological aspect of care for mothers who are raising a child with neurophysiological disabilities. It’s determined that timely psychological counsultation and psychotherapy warn of such conditions as apathy, depression and neurosis.

Author Biography

О. В. Царькова, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after B. Khmelnytsky

Tsarkova O. V.


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