
  • Н. В. Ткаченко Dnepropetrovsk National University Oles Gonchar, Ukraine




motivation sphere, motive, needs, motivation, success


This article analyzes special motivation sphere, opens particular motivation sphere psychology students.

The range of problems of the article is oriented to: research of features of specific of forming of motivational sphere for students in the conditions of higher educational establishment; development of effective diagnostics ways of exposure for the student of motivation to the studies, success and necessities of receipt of diploma about higher education. In the article the features of forming of this sphere are exposed through such descriptions: a) motivation to the studies in institution of higher learning; b) indexes to the capture by a profession by students; c) level of risk to motivation of success and avoidance of failures; d) tendency of high and subzero requirement in the achievement of success; e) indexes self-appraisals of motivation to approval.

The groups of factors that result in forming of motivational sphere for the students-psychologists of higher educational establishment are classified: а) external factors; b) internal factors; c) socially are psychological options of students; d)attitude toward the necessities of success.

The groups of emotional violations are classified and generalized for students that pass through: а) subzero motivation to the studies; b) subzero indexes to the capture by a profession by students; c) mildly high level of risk to motivation of success and middle level to avoidance of failures; d) overpriced indexes of self-appraisal.

Determination of tool diagnostic gave an opportunity to work out and practically use the plan of empiric research, that is sent to diagnostics of specific of display of motivational sphere for the students-psychologists of higher educational establishment through an exposure: а) motives to educational activity; b) of internal and external reason to success; c) motivations to the studies in institution of higher learning; d) relation of students in relation to motivation of success and avoidance of failures; e) selfappraisal motivations to approval (sincerity); f) requirements are in the achievement of success; g) to the display in relation to necessities a «process-result, altruism-egoism» and «labour, is money, freedom is power».

Author Biography

Н. В. Ткаченко, Dnepropetrovsk National University Oles Gonchar

Tkachenko N. V.


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