
  • О. Б. Тринчук Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine




personality, motivational-valued sphere, course of life, responsibility, orientation


The of article is sanctified to the theoretical analysis of features of forming of the motivational-valued sphere of personality. Changes of that take place in society considerably influence on forming of the valued sphere of personality and on her individual course of life on the whole. The Motivational is valued sphere of personality has a clear structure in that such primary elements are included as valued and sense of life of orientations of personality, her to locus control, orientation, level of motivation of achievements. In home and foreign psychology the researches sent to the study of the motivational-valued sphere of personality are conducted a long ago, but does not lose actuality and today. Undoubtedly, that changes that take place in our society considerably influence and on forming of the valued sphere of personality and on her individual course of life on the whole. Wide interest in science to the problems of research of the motivational-valued sphere of personality resulted in expansion of the problem scientific field, when this phenomenon is examined in modern psychological science as differently directed and continuous, as connection of the subjective past and future. The Motivational-valued sphere of personality has a clear structure in that such primary elements as valued are included and смисложиттєві orientations of personality, her to локус control, orientation, level of motivation of achievements. The further prospects of research foresee organization and realization of empiric study of the motivational-valued sphere of personality.

Author Biography

О. Б. Тринчук, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Тrinchuk О. B.


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