
  • М. Г. Ткалич Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine
  • О. Ю. Пятник Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine



intergroup differentiation, gender groups, psychological sex, ingroup favoritism, outgroup discrimination


The paper is dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of intergroup differentiation in gender groups. The main characteristics of intergroup differentiation in gender groups and the necessity of its empirical research were discussed. According to the results of the empirical research of a problem, there was found, that the interaction of gender groups appear intergroup differentiation phenomenon ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination, which features are the following: the members of one gender group preferred their ingroup in evaluation instead of the outgroup. The study also proved the existence of differences and signs of ingroup favoritism in assessing the representatives of gender ingroup and gender outgroup, which depend on one’s biological sex and psychological sex (gender). The investigation also revealed, that stereotypical characteristics mostly inherent in respondents with femininity and masculinity psychological sex, respondents with androgynous psychological sex give less stereotypical evaluation. The study shows the importance of developing programs to overcome the negative effects of intergroup differentiation and ingroup bias.

Author Biographies

М. Г. Ткалич, Zaporizhzhya National University

Tkalych M. H.

О. Ю. Пятник, Zaporizhzhya National University

Pyatnyk O. Y.


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