
  • Є. О. Самара Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



«legal highs», addictive behavior, cannabinoid receptor agonists, cathinones, piperazines


In this paper, a review of studies of addictive behavior influenced by so-called «legal highs» was conducted. The definition of the this term was proposed, which refers to some natural and new synthetic psychoactive substances with a wide range of chemical analogues and characterized by specific marketing and circulation, making it difficult to regulate by law. Today, drug abuse inUkrainehas taken the epidemic character and spread throughout the country. The fastest growing segment is the segment of «legal highs». We briefly discussed the effects by three main types of «legal highs» such as cannabinoid receptor agonists, cathinones, piperazines. There is a distinct toxicity of drugs for the central nervous system, which may be potentiated by some related substances. It is also necessary to note their strong addictive action: rapid addiction, stable behavior deviation, psychotic episodes. Of course, the entire range of «legal highs» is not limited to these compounds and their derivatives, it is worth mentioning the so-called «new depressants» — gamma-butyrolactone etc., the so-called «new amphetamines» — 4-fluoroamphetamine etc., and synthetic cocaine. Prospects for further research in this area were outlined. We proposed the future studies of the structure of personality and emotional disorders in «legal highs» abusers with broad battery of psychodiagnostic methods aim at both conscious and an unconscious level of mind.

Author Biography

Є. О. Самара, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Samara O.


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