
  • А. Н. Сагайдак Association of depth psychology «Teurung», Ukraine



«Archetypal oracle», Augur, Hermes, High Priest, integrating I, Great Mother, Great Father, Trickster, Anima, alchemical Aphrodite


This article discusses practical aspects of working with an archetype mifodramatic Augur (Oracle) in the aspect of the properties of this figure as a psychopomp and «preacher».

The use in the practice of the Association mifodramaticheskoy technology «Internal Oracle showed ambiguity manifestation of the archetype of Hermes. Interdisciplinary research has led us to look for points of agreement between analytical psychology and sudboanalizom L. Sondi. We began to explore the archetypal figure of the Oracle as a manifestation of the Self.

Exploring the archetypal scenario of coping with early childhood psychological trauma in accordance with the ideas D. Kalsheda, we found that during the following archetypal scenario ego test eventually returned not to the parental figure, and to triksternoy, which is a sign of what happened stages of individuation, and, consequently, and closer to the Self.

In mifodramaticheskoy procedure «Internal Oracle», developed by the Association triksternoy figure stands antagonist that is no longer just a «prophet», but also «a preacher of» hacking retravmatichesky script client-life protagonist. Thus, the Trickster Analyst (director psychodramatist) acts not as a figure, a Union parent archetype, but as his opponent.

In male clients, this scheme looks different. The most powerful and the current figure here is not allocated E. Noymannom Ariadne and marked CG Jung in his book «Mysterium Coniunctionis. Sacrament of reunification «alchemical Aphrodite giving exemption old and weak male ego. In practice, it looked as if the part of male clients on a woman analyst in the course mifodramy carried unconscious transference strong sensuality, power and admiration.

In toto, we can say that the work with the archetype of the Inner Oracle can occur not only in the form of the Supreme Judge, the Great Father and Great Mother, providing mainly restriktsionistskoe and rigorist impact on the identity of the client, but also in the form of Pontifex-I, an integrator and a conciliator contradictions. Syzygies creator and great synthesis (Opus Magnum), which is a continuation of the ideas of Jung’s psychological alchemy implemented in the concept of the psychology of deep transformations, which is the methodological basis of the Association of depth psychology «Teurung.»

Author Biography

А. Н. Сагайдак, Association of depth psychology «Teurung»

Sagaydak A. N.


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