
  • Л. І. Залановська Classic Private University, Ukraine



inter-ethnic tolerance, components of inter-ethnic tolerance, levels of inter-ethnic tolerance, identification


As Ukrainian society is in the period of unruled social system and sharp contradictions. Between different social layers, the creation of inter-ethnic tolerance is of paramount im Portance in professional education especially.

The task of the article is to identify inter-ethnic markers in students society and prove the Necessity of the research methods.

Inter-ethnic tolerance is a special form of personality,s attitude which understands and accepts. The other culture. Positive attitude to differences results in kind interation with other culture. Representatives which leads to constructive dialogue. This is not the definition of the phenomenon, as the investigations of it in psycho-pedagogical science are still in progress.

The methods of investigations are based on the isolation of inter-ethnic components and the levels of their identification. The components of inter-ethnic tolerance are cognitive, emotional, personal, conative and enthically oriented which are identified on Gnostic, affective, and priority motivated behavioral and identificative levels.

So, inter-ethnic tolerance is a complicated personal creation, which allows a person to be successful in policultural society.

The most important moment in theoretical and methodological analysis of interethnic tolerance is to find the way of adequate coorelation between the components which will supply objective Reflection of reality.

Given research will experimentally investigate separate components of inter-ethnic tolerance and Test actual psychological conditions of inter-ethnic tolerance formation in humanitarian specialists.

Author Biography

Л. І. Залановська, Classic Private University

Zalanovskaya L. I.


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