
  • Н. В. Жигалкіна center of support of successful relations of of «TOGETHER», Ukraine



health, psychological health, self-regulation, personality maturity, realization I, motivation


As human life is the higher value of society, then an aggregate of properties, internalss, states of man is value of not only man but also society. Exactly it converts the health of individual into public riches. A concept «attitude toward a health» is relatively new for psychological science, that is why research of problem assumes determination of this concept, that from the point of view of psychology is the system of individual, selective connections of personality with the different phenomena of surrounding reality, favourable, or, vice versa, threatening to the health people, and also this time presents a certain estimation the individual of the physical and psychical there are only single researches of social ideas about the healthy way of life. In addition, even само a concept «health» is interpreted by different authors differently. Specified on that a psychological constituent is basis of health of personality: if a man will learn to realize and control the behavior, emotions, ideas, then able to learn to harmonize domestic and sexual relations, released from habits that mix valuably to live. Id est, by cognition and improvement of psychological constituent of health it is possible to perfect personality. But in spite of large value of health, exactly this concept did not have concrete scientific determination. And presently there are different approaches to his determination. A health is examined both integration description of personality that embraces as her the inner world and all originality of mutual relations with surroundings and includes physical, psychical, social and spiritual aspects; as the  state of equilibrium, balance between adaptation possibilities of man and constantly variable terms of environment. Thus, him it does not follow to examine as an end in itself; it is only means for the most complete realization of vital potential of man.

Author Biography

Н. В. Жигалкіна, center of support of successful relations of of «TOGETHER»

Zhigalkina N. V.


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