loneliness, addictive behavior, adolescent, consciousness, alienation, correctionAbstract
The problem of studying subjective feelings of loneliness in adolescence poorly studied; there is a clear shortage of studies that reveal the phenomenology of adolescent experiences of loneliness.
In this paper reviewed the need to correct the negative effects of loneliness as a factor of addictive behavior in adolescents, which is to weaken or eliminate those behaviors that hinder successful social adaptation.
Proved what destruction of certain plants, ideas, values, motivations, stereotypes of behavior and the formation the new one in order to achieve positive self-identity in society is the basis for a successful program of psycho-pedagogical correction of the negative effects of loneliness as a factor of addictive behavior.
Prevention program destructive experience loneliness in adolescents are based on the psychological training programs of L. F. Anne, K. Foppel, N. Hryaschova.
The article reviews the results of the first and second phase of the study.
The first phase includes a series of psychodiagnostic methods aimed at identifying the level of subjective feelings of loneliness, addictive behavior in order to identify the impact of loneliness on the formation of addictive behavior.
The second stage is the results of secondary diagnosis in the experimental group of teens after correctional program.
The comparative analysis of primary and secondary psychodiagnostic research. For a comparative analysis be presented reducing loneliness in adolescents, as well as reducing of addictive behavior.References
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