methodology of Schwartz Shalom H., social culture, cultural values, the test of Max Luscher, color preferences, the color wheelAbstract
The purpose of this pilot study is statistical analysis of the relationship between the value orientations of the respondents at the level of social culture (by author Schwartz Shalom H.) and its color preferences (by author Max Luscher). Special interest is the location of the psychological qualities in test procedures: both authors prefer the a circular shape. According to the results of the correlation analysis (also based on the findings previously published by the author of theoretical research) carried color indexing kinds of value orientations — each of them is assigned a designation of a certain color. It is shown that there is reason to believe: value types in their circular arrangement, according to the scheme Schwartz Shalom H., their color indices mostly correspond to the color circle. Connection detected at the level of statistical tendency (р≤0,1). In addition, there is a systematic location in the correlation matrix of higher and lower performance correlations. In this paper is propose an explanation points inconsistencies. Results of research can considered as another attempt to use the arsenal of the exact sciences in psychology, because the number of color wavelength is associated here with a group of psychological properties.References
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