psychologist’s pregnancy, mechanisms of psychological defense, psychologist, counseling, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, linguistic psychotherapyAbstract
Because of the fact that the problem of psychologist’s pregnancy is absolutely new for Ukrainian psychology, the author implements a broad goal — to highlight all results of previous theoretical and practical study of the impact of psychologist’s pregnancy on eventfulness of counseling illustrating it with the client’s Case during her own pregnancy. So, three main directions of this impact are systematized and described: on client, on psychologist and between client and psychologist. All requirements for effective counseling to pregnant psychologists are summarized. Described author’s Case shows a new aspect of impact of psychologist’s pregnancy: being an important event it fantasmatically transforms psychologist’s figure in therapeutic relations into parental one. So, if the client’s transference was parental too then psychologist’s pregnancy stimulates it as it was found by previous researchers, but if not — transference faces to the conflict and may be destroyed. There was also made a conclusion that countertransference changes because of psychologist’s pregnancy even when she does not know about it yet. That’s why time and form of telling about the psychologist’s pregnancy should be based on features of transference: is it parental or not. If not then telling about pregnancy should go after studying the theme of transference with the client.
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