
  • Д. М. Туркова Kryvyi Rih national university, Ukraine



narrative paradigm in psychology, narrative, autonarrative, modal narratologie, future practical psychologists


In the article give the specific of the use of narrative paradigm is examined in psychological researches. The sources of narrative approach take beginning in a psychological hermeneutics, that interpretation of the personal experience is the basis of by means of text.

Essence of concept of «narrative» is determined, that is understood as the realized structured model of subjective reality of personality, provided with sense and emotional attitude toward her. The constructed of narrative models give an opportunity to interpret the senses stopped up in her basis, here ignoring temporal scopes, because the events of the past get possibility to be analyses in a situation «here and now».

As one of successful and effective variants of work with narrative texts, the model of modal narratologie is examined by V. P. Rudnev. In our research we came from considering of expediency of capture skill of interpretation of narrative texts by future practical psychologists. For the study of quality features of ability to interpret a narrative text of client, we realized research that was devoted to the study of ability of students–psychologists to the reflection of narrative own authorship, id est autonarrative. In the article give the results of empiric research of features of reflection of autonarrative are given by future practical psychologists through modal narratologie by V. P. Rudnev.

Author Biography

Д. М. Туркова, Kryvyi Rih national university

Turkova D.M.


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