
  • Н. О. Мосол Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine



ontogenesis, perinatal period, personality development, perinatal psychology, perinatal education


The article deals with issue of early human development — particularly prenatal and early natal stages which constitute the perinatal period. Studies in genetics, neurobiology, psychology define this very unique period as a critical stage of human development. Many data have proved that perinatal experience determine to a large extent our biological and psychological makeup and shape our personality. The basic characteristics of the perinatal period have been described. The influence of perinatal experience on the further development of an individual have been researched. Also the topic of perinatal education has been discussed — a new science with a millennial history. Perinatal education is not about learning of an unborn child but about work with parents, it’s main goal is establishing of secure relationship with a child and creation of optimal conditions for the normal development of a child before and after birth. The earliest period of human development is a unique opportunity for prevention of psychological, emotional and physical disorders that may occur later in life. The main idea of studies in the field of pre- and perinatal psychology is how to promote health and well-being of the next generation.

Author Biography

Н. О. Мосол, Zaporizhzhya National University

Mosol N. O.


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