будущие пилоты, профессиональная надёжность, эмоциональная устойчивость, лётная деятельность, профессионально-психологический отбор, стресс, эмоциогенные факторы, личностные характеристикиAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Contemporary conditions of the aircraft operation complicate the psychological structure of flight crew activities and exacerbate emotional stability of flight crew members. The need for a more detailed investigation of the role of emotional stability in the structure of professional reliability of flight crew has appeared, as well as the intensification of measures to master its level in the process of future pilots’ training.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Since the appearance of this branch of knowledge, aviation psychologists exaimne the problem of emotional stability and the ways to master its level for future pilots. There are a number of researchers who have investigated the possibilities in this direction using simulation training (E. A. Derevyanko, Y. V. Vorontsov, N. O. Kobelkov, V. G. Kodola, V. G. Kuznetsov, V. G. Mylnikov, I. N. Naydenov, E. I. Sheryshev, etc.), while others examined physical and psychophysiological training. Psychological and pedagogical training also received considerable attention (K. I. Brykov, T. T. Dzhamagarov, A. A. Gorelov, Y. K. Demyanenko, R. N. Makarov, V. L. Marishchuk and others), however it was found that theoretical training has significant resources for the research in this direction.
Aims of the article: to analyse the degree of importance of emotional stability in the structure of professional reliability of flight crew; to justify the need to intensify efforts in order to develop new psychological and pedagogical approaches for improving emotional stability; identify the preferred ways of its improvement by means of theoretical training.
The main content of the afrticle: At present, professional and psychological selection, used in aviation, due to a number of objective reasons does not solve the problem of ensuring compliance with the requirements of flight activity by the applicant. Emotional stability of many modern future pilots requires improvement, since it is the basis of professional reliability. Based on some innate features, emotional stability is formed better, whereas based on other features — worse, though it is the ability to maintain rational thinking and constructive behavior under the influence of emotiogenic factors. Thus, one of the leading aspects of the formation of emotional stability is in acquiring theoretical knowledge about the nature and specificity of stress, trained with rational ways of thinking that control emotional states. Psycho-emotional stability gains special significance in modern highly automated aircrafts and causes the need to intensify efforts for its formation and development for future pilots.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Emotional stability as a key component of professional reliability, is highly related to the level of intelligence, skills of reflection and volitional regulation of activity, structure of motivation and can be improved only by means of targeted impact on the entire complex of these professionally important qualities.
The methodologies developed by psychologists should be adapted to the theoretical training of future pilots by means of using the results of the aircraft accidents investigation and other information about the features of each stage of flight, the probability of each complicated flight task, etc. Further research of this problem should form an appropriate database with developed appropriate methodologies of its use for the development of emotional stability of future pilots. As well as to ensure the development of a comprehensive system of psycho-pedagogical targeted impact on the formation of skills of volitional regulation, self-control, reflection, self-diagnosis, etc.References
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