overall intelligence, social intelligence, gender, age development, adulthoodAbstract
The paper presents the results of a study of the dynamics of intelligence at different stages of adulthood. The subject of the study was gender-specific intellectual abilities. Purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that the age structure of the intelligence of men and women gets specific features. Methodological basis was the position of the two-factor model of intelligence R. Cattell and the theory of social intelligence G. Guilford.
Men pass intelligence tests better than women. The significance of differences means that statistically they do exist (F (1,498) = 21,735, p = 0,00). There were no differences in understanding the motives of human behavior and situations of interpersonal interaction between groups divided by gender (of social intelligence testing).
Set age-related differences in the manifestation of mental abilities of men and women. Young people are slightly ahead of the older men in terms of intelligence with an overall safety performance levels of general intelligence. In the women’s group at decrease indicators of general intelligence with age (statistically not confirmed) increased social intelligence.
Promising area of future research is to analyze the intellectual capacities of older people and the study of the adaptive role of social intelligence at this age.
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