
  • О. В. Джеджера Rivne State Humanitarian University, Ukraine



efficiency, effectiveness of the subject, the effectiveness of activity of the subject, the effect, the dispositional approach, the situational approach, the ontological approach


The article emphasizes the sense of efficiency for a successful life personality, the substantiates necessity of a theoretical study of the problem of efficiency.

The purpose of the article is to detection the psychological meaning of notion of «efficiency» based on an analysis of existing theoretical approaches. Through analysis of scientific literature found that the category of «efficiency» is relative characteristic of result (effect) activity. Reveals the role of economic theories in development efficiency problems. It is proved that in economics laid down prerequisites for determining the psychological content of effectiveness: informed opinion about complex influence of factors external and internal environment on the effectiveness of human activities.

It was established at the beginning of the twentieth century in the definition of «efficiency» ratio was displayed results of operations and its various aspects (costs, goals, values, needs), and the essence of efficiency defined as: characteristics of quality of activity; form of qualitative and quantitative expressing of results of activity. It was found that in psychological science, exist there are different approaches of understanding the performance. The main ones are: dispositional — in terms of formation of the system of personal qualities and peculiarities behavior; situational — based on the analysis of human behavior in different activity situations; ontological — in the plane of conditionality activities by psychic, biological and social factors.

The conducted analysis made it possible to determine the activity effectiveness of the personality as a function of the relative quality characteristics of the subject, reflecting its ability to achieve useful results at the lowest cost (lowest price) psychic and physical energy and time.

Author Biography

О. В. Джеджера, Rivne State Humanitarian University

Dzhedzhera O.V.


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