ontogeny of motherhood, the dynamics of attachment, separation violations, the role of object relations in the ontogeny of attachment, oedipal conflict, identity, cerebral problemsAbstract
The purpose of research is prevention of pathologies. The basic psychological characteristics of mothers and their relationships with their mothers in families where a child with cerebral palsy grows. The features of dependent behavior, caused by attachment, as well as disturbances, manifested in a controlled breeding, are presented. Also described are unconsciously shaped structure of the family and the possibility of exit from the symbiotic relationship.
Studying the psychological characteristics of the women who delivered a sick child, we found that there is a personality profile of women who are tended to have an unhealthy baby. There are some reasons to believe that it is not a common problem, the child’s illness, that makes these women similar, but on the contrary, they have the same psychological characteristics leading to the birth of a sick child. One of the most obvious common feature of these women is having no separation from their mothers. At a certain age, when they were children, their relationships with their mothers looking apart might seem wonderful; they were friendly, close, agreed. However, looking closer, it would be possible to fix a mother’s complete control, her total leadership and, respectively, a lack of initiative and even the daughter’s own opinion. Being a teenager, according to the ontogenesis laws, the maturing separation from the parents should take place and, on the other hand, this age is sensitive to form the girl’s female identity. Instead of to integrate all the faces of mother’s image, which are often conflicting, the one-sided, sublimated, and, therefore, unrealistic self-concept as mothers in the future is formed at the girl.
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Правовласниками опублікованого матеріалу являються авторський колектив та засновник журналу на умовах, що визначаються видавничою угодою, що укладається між редакційною колегією та авторами публікацій. Ніяка частина опублікованого матеріалу не може бути відтворена без попереднього повідомлення та дозволу автора.
Публікація праць в Журналі здійснюється на некомерційній основі.
Після публікації автор має право опублікувати свою роботу в будь-якому іншому засобі масової інформації без дозволу редакції журналу, без посилання на журнал, але з повідомленням редакційної колегії журналу про публікацію своєї роботи в іншому засобі масової інформації.
Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
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