violence, domestic violence, social learning, criteria of the violent interaction, signs of violent actionAbstract
Domestic violence is becoming more common in various areas of human activity, but a clear understanding of the nature of domestic violence is absent.
The problem of violence is interdisciplinary. The violence is seen as an element of political, social and economic organization of society.
Research of the problems of domestic violence began in the 60s of the last century in foreign science. Feminist theory has long been the only basic concept to explain the causes and spread of violence. However, this approach often limits and simplifies the vision of the problem, does not explain certain trends.
The violence is seen as a process that consists of a cycles of violence, that are retained on the continuation of the relationship between the victim and the offender. We describe the phases of violence: tension, acute incident of violence, the phase of external reconciliation.
Domestic violence has a number of fundamental differences and specific peculiarities. It is defined as any intentional action of one family member against another if the action violates the constitutional rights and freedoms of a family member as a person and citizen, has the moral damage, damage to physical or mental health, or contains a threat of causing such damage.
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