personal development, self-attitude, values, orphaned children, adopted childrenAbstract
Statement of article goals — to identify and research major factors that influence personal development of the various categories of children.
Using factor analysis, we have highlighted factors that determine personal development of different categories of children. In exchange, this demonstrated a significant difference in the factor structures of three groups under study (orphans, brought up in residential care facilities; orphans that were adopted, and children from full (blood) families).
Common factors that were distinguished in all three groups of children: «Self-attitude» and «Values».
However, the remaining factors in the studied groups differ.
For a group of orphaned children who are raised in residential care facilities, the factor «Stress situation», «Resistance», and «Mismatch of expectations» is singled out, which can be explained by life conditions, vital activities and personal development of the orphans.
In addition, the following was distinguished in their factor structure: «Motives for self-fulfilment» and «Motives of prestige». Orphans seek to fulfill themselves in the future, be financially independent as they believe this would allow them to be successful. And this strengthens the approved stereotype: if they have money, a house, a car, expensive clothing — people will accept and love them.
The following factors were singled out for a group of orphans who were adopted: «Estimated dependance», «Fear of inappropriateness», «Self-expression», and «Anxiety».
For a group of children who have been living with both birth parents, the following factors were highlighted: «Self esteem», «Interests», «Lack of responsibility factor», «Fears», and «Stress, stress resistance».
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Положення про конфіденційність
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