
  • К. О. Санько Kharkiv national university after V. N. Karazin, Ukraine



emotions, adaptation, emotional orientation, emotional intellect, intrapersonal emotional intellect, interpersonal emotional intellect, understanding emotions, managing emotions, expression control


The article deals with the emotional system of a human as one of main regulatory systems of vital functions, emotional orientation the sense of which is in the ability of recognizing emotional states of other people and own emotional relationships with them. The notions of emotional intellect, from the viewpoint of understanding emotions as the special type of knowledge and intellect as the complex of mental abilities interrelated with each other are viewed. Own understanding of emotional intellect as the ability to identify, to understand, to control own emotions and surrounding people on the basis of intellectual analysis and synthesis, and also relevant expression of own emotions and their adaptive regulation with the aim of effective, successful vital functions of the personality is adduced. The models of emotional intellect which include the component of adaptiveness are described. The contribution of domestic scientists in learning the phenomenon of emotional intellect is noted. The results of existing researches of interrelation of emotional intellect and adaptation of the personality are viewed. The results of conducted pilot research of the relationship of emotional intellect and psychological adaptation of youth in the modern society are adduced. It was established that modern youth with the high level of emotional intellect, possessing the ability to understand as own emotions so emotions of other people, who can identify emotions, understand the reasons of their occurrence, is able to verbal description of emotional worries and also control the emotional sphere effectively copes with the changeable conditions of vital functions.

Author Biography

К. О. Санько, Kharkiv national university after V. N. Karazin

Sanko K. A.


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