Deformation legal consciousness of college students


  • А. А. Возович University of Modern Knowledge (Kiev), Ukraine



college students, consciousness, legal consciousness, deformation of legal consciousness


Legal consciousness among college students is a complex system which contains three basic factors, namely legal psychology, legal concept and legal mind. Taken as a whole, students have lower level of law knowledge. Law knowledge is an important awareness of the law. The lack of law knowledge leads that college students have a vague legal concept. Second, students do not pay attention to the rule of law. Contemporary college students concern with only their own vital interests of the relevant legal issues. Students do not pay attention to the rule of law. Contemporary college students concern with only their own vital interests of the relevant legal issues. First, the relatively low standard of law education in college result that the overall legal cognitive levels of students is not high. Second, the society and culture have negative impact on students. Rights and obligations are the core content of the entire legal system, rights awareness training of legal knowledge among college students is particularly important. Third, some personal reasons result in students’ lack of legal consciousness. College students are poorly self-disciplined on mood and emotion and seriously like to follow others while also cannot choose smartly from the multiple standard of morality.

Author Biography

А. А. Возович, University of Modern Knowledge (Kiev)

Vozovych A.  A.


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