
  • О. Ю. Булгакова Odessa national Polytechnic University, Ukraine




social interaction, educational-professional activity, business communication, social partnership


The problem of preparing students for social interaction is considered taking into account data on the development of business communication skills, social partnership, social education with the social engineering, case technology and modeling. This aspect is taken into account the specifics of future activities, the level of readiness of students to business communication, and performing communicative tasks related to professional activities. Acknowledge the importance of professional competences that require knowledge about the nature of social partnership, skills to organize and regulate. In terms of social education emphasizes the importance of self-organization of life in different contexts of social interaction. The idea of social planning based on reasoning about the corresponding system of moral values and its corresponding identity. In preparing students for social interaction taken into account the importance of interpersonal relationships. The characteristics of the modern students in the context of their social environment, and psychological defense mechanisms used by students in the process of their adaptation to the demands of the environment. Formulated the conclusion about the necessity of a special explication of the idea of preparing students for social interaction.

Author Biography

О. Ю. Булгакова, Odessa national Polytechnic University

Bulgakova E. J.


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