pregnancy, psychological status, personality traits, pregnancy failureAbstract
The article deals with the study of personal misadaptation of pregnant women due to the peculiarities of gestation course. There have been established characteristics of personality misadaptation that are aggravated during pregnancy regardless of gestation course of women with physiological pregnancy and of women with pregnancy failure. Socially inept women with pregnancy failure have rigidity and identity of views on reality. Also a kind of personal misadaptation of women with pregnancy failure is manifestation of rigidity coupled with hetero aggressive tendencies.
Throughout human history, special attention is paid to the health of pregnant women. The research conducted by domestic and foreign researchers indicates that the majority of pregnancies occurring with varying pathology [1, 12].
In modern scientific literature, insufficient attention has been paid to personal misadaptation of pregnant women undergoing inpatient treatment by reason of pregnancy failure which was one of the goals of our study.
The experimental group consisted of 150 pregnant women undergoing inpatient treatment by reason of pregnancy failure. The control group consisted of 77 pregnant women attending information courses on preparing for childbirth.
In the course of study there have been used clinical and psychological and several
experimental psychological techniques. Having studied the structural relationship between personality tendencies we got the following results.
Women regardless their physiological gestation course or not were found to have: severe emotional lability accompanied by hypochondriac tendencies; anxiety combined with a particular perception of the world and manifestation of depressive symptoms; estrangement from social contacts with low background mood and anxiety symptoms; Women with signs of rigidity showing a particular perception of the world and immersion in their inner world.
Women with abnormal pregnancy have the following manifestations of personality revealed: socially inept pregnant women have signs of rigidity and peculiarity of views on reality; also affect rigidity may be associated with the formation of aggressive manifestations.
Peculiarities of women with physiological gestation course are shown in the following relationship between personality tendencies: women who are immersed in their inner world have hetero aggressive, depressive and demonstrational tendencies; pregnant women with understated mood background show demonstrative and hypochondriacal symptoms; also there have been found that pregnant women who are not adapted to society and interpersonal environment have difficulties in interpersonal relations. Individual approach in providing psychological support taking into account personality tendencies to every pregnant woman will improve her state.References
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