
  • О. С. Безверхий Vinnytsia Mykhaylo Kotsiubynsky state pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • С. В. Грабіщук Vinnytsia social-economic Institute of University «Ukraine», Ukraine



self-actualization, professional self-actualization, gender, gender identity, gender stereotype, masculinity, femininity, androgyny


In the article the experimental research of gender aspects of professional self-actualization has been described. The training of gender identity with experimental group was conducted. It was sent to the reflection and acceptance of own gender traits. In the result of the performed training the change of gender identity, the increase of general level of self-actualization and the level of general satisfaction by labour has been appeared.

The analysis of content of communications during the training has revealed the existence of substantial divergences between desirable behavior and the real, forced behavior. These divergences weren’t reflected enough, that’s why there were the substantial obstacles for its removal. In the result of the performed training the divergences between real and desirable behavior for participants of experimental group, first of all in the aspect of realization their gender peculiarities has been realized by them. It has appropriately resulted in change of gender identity of participants.

The statistically reliable increase of level of self-actualization in the experimental group was fixed. It is explained by that for successful self-actualization the necessary terms are realistic attitude is toward themselves and exact perception of own motivation. It should be noted that a part of aspects of self-actualization which haven’t the direct relation with gender and for its genesis has been early appeared and firmly rooted, haven’t occured the statistically reliable changes during the experiment.

The increase of general level of satisfaction by labour were revealed in the process of experiment. This result was predefined by considerable gender component of professional activity and professional self-actualization. The level of professional self-actualization has been increased and it entailed the increase of integral satisfaction of professional self-actualization.

Author Biographies

О. С. Безверхий, Vinnytsia Mykhaylo Kotsiubynsky state pedagogical University

Bezverkhy O. S.

С. В. Грабіщук, Vinnytsia social-economic Institute of University «Ukraine»

Grabishchuk S. V.


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