
  • О. А. Панченко National medical postgraduate education academy by P. L. Shupik; State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health», Ukraine
  • А. В. Кабанцева State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health», Ukraine
  • Н. О. Зайцева State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health», Ukraine
  • О. П. Харламова State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health», Ukraine
  • В. В. Гуменюк State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health», Ukraine



passenger transportation safety, professionally important qualities, eligibility, nominal eligibility, ineligibility


Medical psychological examination allows us to check public transport drivers’ and driver candidates’ ability to drive vehicles safely and to suspend ineligible drivers from public transport driving. Drivers could be considered as ineligible for medical and psychological (psychophysiological) reasons in case if they are unable to do their work safely and correctly. Complex medical psychological examination should consist of four types of medical control: preliminary, periodical, unscheduled and pre-trip one. During our investigation we have determined 70.2 % of drivers as eligible for their professional activity, 23.4 % of them have been determined as nominally ineligible and 6.4 % as ineligible for medical and psychological reasons. Implementation at national level of the new admission system to the operation of the vehicle, based on an evaluation of qualitative indicators — ISA will support the readiness of candidates for drivers and drivers to the vehicle safe management and discharge of individual control, which on the medical and psychological (psycho-physiological) indicators can not safely perform driver activities. We also discovered direct correlation between drivers’ age and professional experience and the risk of professional nominal eligibility development.

Author Biographies

О. А. Панченко, National medical postgraduate education academy by P. L. Shupik; State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health»

Panchenko O. A.

А. В. Кабанцева, State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health»

Kabantseva A. V.

Н. О. Зайцева, State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health»

Zaitseva N. A.

О. П. Харламова, State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health»

Kharlamova O. P.

В. В. Гуменюк, State Institution «Scientific Practical Medical Rehabilitating Diagnostic Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Health»

Gumenyuk V. V.


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