age, youth, generational interaction, stereotypes, toleranceAbstract
The article deals with such aspects of gerontological perspective as the specifics of relationships of older people and society. The analysis of the notions of the elderly man in different age groups of men and women. The data of the author’s questionnaire concerning perceptions of old age, and role and place of the elderly in society. It is concluded that the treatment of the elderly person has a gender specific — women are more positive aging and welcoming in their attitude to the elderly. The men were more critical, more pragmatic and less emotional in their judgment of the elderly.
It has been shown that the treatment of the elderly person is age specificity — tolerant people were middle-aged and elderly. They note that an elderly person — is the wisdom, perseverance, experience, support in contrast to the youth, who was more critical in their responses. Young people are not thinking about the prospects of the older and denies the right of its existence and avoid joining with them. People of middle age, considering the prospect of approaching age, and think about it. Older people tend to try to take your age and find it positive aspects.
The results allow us to state that, under certain socio-psychological conditions, as a result of practices of generations of interaction can change attitude to old age as an important stage of human life.
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