for artists of circus, risk, structure-procedural characteristicsAbstract
The article presents the results of theoretical and methodological analysis of the psychological characteristics of artistic activity and interpretation of results empiricheskogo research that made it possible to substantiate the psychological and social risk factors in the artistic activities of circus performers.
The purpose of the article empirical definition of social and psychological risk factors in the art of circusю Social and psychological risk factors in the art of circus generated socio — economic processes taking place in society are controversial reasons, result in the risk. Causes of risk due to the fact that it is one of the activities, the foundation of which is the subject of her personal capacity.
For the study used the following methods: theoretical methods, the method psychodiagnostic examination methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. Analysis of the data indicates the existence of differences in risk factors highlighted structural — procedural characteristics of the art of circus. It was determined that the proposed individno- characteristics of personality of the circus most defining features of morphology and praksyolohiya. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the psychological characteristics of circus art and interpretation of the empirical research allowed to prove social psychological risk factors in the art of circus.
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