
  • Т. В. Данильченко Chernigіv national pedagogical university by T. G. Shevchenka, Ukraine



subjective social well-being, dependent model, self-determined model, balancing model, imperious model


In the article subjective social well-being is considered as a person’s evaluation of his own social functioning. The objective of the research was to identify the spread of the subjective social well-being models in accordance with the presumptive source of well-being (the internal one — personal or external — other people, groups, social institutions) or their balance. Accordingly, three models were presumed. The balanced (exchanged) model presupposes constant exchange with the social environment. The «dependent» model is based on the idea of the external source of well-being (other people and institutions). The «self-determined» (independent) model presupposes internal source of responsibility for the results of social interaction.

In the course of the empiric research (N=396) on the basis of factor analysis the hypothesis has not been verified. The dependent model has been corroborated (35,35 %). The balanced model transformed into the «imperative» one, implying the asymmetry of social contributions. The dominant position of the representatives of this group was «You — to me». In the course of the cluster analysis merging of the «imperative» and «self-determined» models into the strategy of the active transformation of the social environment has been identified (33,33 %). Among the representatives of this group there were more men (41,3 %) than women (28,4 %). This group was characterized by such features as high level of autonomy, success and pleasures seeking, optimism. They were not inclined to altruism, but had prosocial orientation.

Another group of respondents (31,31 %) has been singled out. The latter were characterized by undifferentiated ideas of the source of well-being and external / internal locus of control of social life. The number of women (37 %) in this group was bigger than of men (22 %). They turned to be dependent on the circumstances and had the lowest level of social satisfaction. Representatives of this group did not tend to maintain confidential relations, social involvement need was reduced, at the same time they felt cut off from other people. Considering the source of misfortune in themselves they did nothing to achieve social approval and to build the acceptable system of relations.

Author Biography

Т. В. Данильченко, Chernigіv national pedagogical university by T. G. Shevchenka

Danilchenko T. V.


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