self-sufficiency, self-determination, autonomy, self-expression, self-sufficiency levelsAbstract
The article discloses the results of the empirical studying of interrelation amongst parameters of self-sufficiency and self-determination. The description of level structure of self-sufficiency, display of interdependence of self-sufficiency and autonomy and self-expression are given as well. Homogenized psychological characteristics after investigated parameters of an average statistical person are elicited. The purpose of the article is to define the specificity of self-sufficiency and self-determination in the conditions of transforming social relationship. The methodological basis for the studying of the psychological phenomena were provided through the usage of psychometrical psychodiagnostic tooling, which was represented by the following: author’s methods «Questionnaire of the structural components of self-sufficiency», «Questionnaire of the value orientations of self-sufficiency», «Multilevel analysis of self-sufficiency structure» and «Self-determination scale» (K. Sheldon, E. Deci, adapted by E. N. Osin). The results of the correlation analysis demonstrated different interrelations between the indices of autonomy and self-expression (as the constituents of self-determination) and the self-sufficiency structural components (self-dependency, self-efficacy, purposefulness and distancing), sufficiency levels (praxeological, acmeological and transcendental) and definite value orientations on the acmeological level (fraternative, gloristic and pugnistic, gnostic) and on the transcendental level (solitudional, enigmatic and ascetic). The perspectives in the further investigation of self-sufficiency and self-determination are focused on the problems of elaboration of the criterion to defining the self-sufficient and not self-sufficient person, studying the axiological aspect of self-sufficiency structure, determination of the degree in involvement of a person into social life, realization of the efforts towards the achievement of results and statement of individual psychological particularities of the level structure of self-sufficiency.References
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Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
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