
  • Н. А. Спиця-Оріщенко Kharkiv specialized school I-III stages № 11 with in-depth study of specific subjects, Ukraine



professional self-determination, self-determination, professional orientation, pre-profile training, pupils’ youth


Complicated professional self-determination of pupils’ youth is currently serving a problem of society. Life is forcing everyone to make a choice of future profession and taking into account human personal qualities and motivational aspects of definition in preparation for choosing a particular training profile. The main purpose of the article is to give the theoretical analysis of professional self-determination of pupils’ youth.

Professional self-determination is an important component of professional development and the criteria of one of the stages of a long and complex process. It ends when a person has formed a positive attitude to itself as the subject of professional activity. Therefore, informed choice should be considered as an indicator of professional self-formation during early adolescence and the transition to a new phase of development. There are many difficulties in modern school and among them the most important issue is motivation, which links and affects the process of professional self-determination of pupils. The role of motivational factors in the choice of profession is that they encourage pupils to be active and work with the desire to meet the specific needs, to correct and understand choice of profession.

Motivational factors in choosing a profession are stimulus for which the person is ready to make efforts, that is what the young men were guided in choosing a particular profession: social significance of the profession, prestige and income or others. Studying the formation of motivational factors become the important task.

Author Biography

Н. А. Спиця-Оріщенко, Kharkiv specialized school I-III stages № 11 with in-depth study of specific subjects

Spytsia-Orishchenko N. A.


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