school, children, behavior, education, crime and youthAbstract
Increased growth of deviant behavior among teenagers and youth induce the research of factors of emergence and formation of behavioral deviations among students.
The aim — to develop a system of educational, psychological and social remedial measures aimed at reducing the growing prevalence of deviant behavior, the object of which is the manifestation of deviant behavior, and the subject is the identification of factors that contribute to deviations in behavior at school age.
The study involved 127 students of the Odessa educational complex of 9th and 10th grades. The article brought analytical data on adolescent questionnaire regarding wrongful behavior, the formation of which is significantly affected by the experience of family relationship, online resources and low level of awareness about the punishment for a crime.
There also was researched the question about norms and moral values which were shifted toward tolerant attitude to different forms of deviant behavior, observed in some products of social art, television and online resources. In the high growth of the children’s usage of information technology nowadays behind external positive we see the presence of negative conditions for the formation of emotional (computer) dependence, conflict relationship, isolation of speech and rigidity of thinking. Pathological aspects of socialization and personal development can be avoided through preventive education at school and at home.
The article analyzes the cooperation of the educational institution with social services and its disadvantages, as well as statistical data on crimes committed by juveniles, the manifestations of which are found in primary school.
As a result of this study the system of corrective measures was determined: the implementation of psychological culture development programs of all the participants of the educational process; the increase in the level of control and participation of social and legal protection bodies in the implementation of preventive education of children and families at social risk; formation of conditions for adult awareness of the factors of deviant behavior and learning effective communication, enabling harmonious relationship of the participants of the educational process.
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