disadaptation, adaptation, adaptability, socialization, adaptation processAbstract
We examine disadaptation of the personality which, according to many authors, is considered as violation of interaction processes of the personality with the environment. To our mind, this violation of the processes demands fuller research, for this purpose we make an experiment with participation of medical students, with the use of the data quantitative analysis, with help of methods of the correlation and factorial analysis which will allow to investigate the fullest disadaptation phenomenon, and also its connection and influence on other characteristics of the personality. As a result of our research disadaptation was examined from the different parts — as a process of non-adaptation and as its result, and also as a reaction of the system to adaptation process, i.e. «adaptability». The result of this work is the definition of interrelations between characteristics of disadaptation and individual and psychological characteristics of the personality, search of factors which characterize interrelation of specific adaptation features of the personality with other characteristics of the personality.References
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