
  • Б. О. Лобасюк Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine
  • М. І. Боделан Odessa Regional Medical Centre of Mental Health, Ukraine



multi-dimensional evaluation, systems analysis, semantic network, management, cognitive science


A method of network semantic-topological analysis of the psychological research results developed by the authors is represented. This method based on the system analysis and cognitive science and designed within the non-classic type (stage) of development in scientific knowledge. System knowledge of psychology and systematization of the accumulated empirical material in psychology implemented through the development of methods of data analysis and mathematical modeling. The feature of the proposed method consists of the fact that indicators of psychological testing and values of analysis of the functional state of the CNS are considered as one multiplicity. The proposed method is based on analysis of the connections-relationships between indicators of psychological testing and indicators describing the functional state of the CNS (EEG, tremorography etc.) using the combined application of the methods of multiple regression and two-dimensional correlation analysis and the formation of conceptual semantic network using graph theory that images the control architecture of individually-typological features of the person, and to identify system factors in that network. The problem of mental units of analysis has always remained as one of main problems in psychology. In the proposed method of network semantic-topological analysis, the determined regression connection-relation between any two parameters of individual-typological features of the personality, mental acts and states, values of the functional state of the CSN and psychological testing, is considered as a unit of mental activity. It is shown that the mechanism of oriented asymmetric (multidirectional in strength between the structures) influence, which is the basis of the formation of feedback systems, is an important mechanism of mental activity.

Author Biographies

Б. О. Лобасюк, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Lobasuk B. O.

М. І. Боделан, Odessa Regional Medical Centre of Mental Health

Bodelan M. I.


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