pregnant women, the experience of its own unit of time pregnant women, gestational dominant, psychological component gestational dominateAbstract
Differences in the structure and content of the interaction between mother and child in the prenatal period also conception of motherhood during pregnancy as how psychic reality, forced to seek the causes of these differences in individual typological features of pregnant women. It’s interesting for us to represent and view the type of psychological component of gestational dominant based on the unity of own time, experienced by pregnant women. In the given study, we set the goal of experimental establish unit live through own time pregnant, type definition PСGD and detection the relationship of unity of own time experienced by pregnant women with depressive indicator psychological component of gestational dominants. The study findings were obtained that pregnant women are different from the proposed B. I. Tsukanov, allocation of unity of own time, excluding members of choleric type of temperament. Pregnant women phlegmatic type of temperament, are more exposed to complications in the pregnancy. The more precision reproduce of intervals of time of pregnant women phlegmatic temperament type, the more likely they are prone to complications in the pregnancy. The more pregnant unit proper time, the more likely the emergence of her depressive mark. Pregnant phlegmatic groups having complications in the pregnancy are more prone to depression than conventionally healthy pregnant women. The most common indicator of depression in pregnant women is manifested in regard to the issues of the child breast-feeding. The practical application of our information is associated with the formation of psycho-correctional groups. Research materials may be used in the process of training and professional development practical psychologists and medical workers providing psychological care for pregnant women.References
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