
  • І. О. Красильников Poltava institute of economy and the right of University «Ukraine», Ukraine



the intrapersonal conflict, psychoreflex, infringement of neurophysiology processes


In clause theoretical representations about psychophysiology correlate internal conflicts of the person are considered. The purpose of clause is to lead the theoretical analysis of the fundamental theoretical positions based on classical works in the field of physiology of the nervous activity in a context of understanding of internal conflicts of the person. In the article theoretical sights of founders of psychophysiology of the person in a context of a problem of intrapersonal conflicts are considered. It is underlined, that mental conflicts have objective neuron-physiological correlate and are manifest at animals and at the person. These conflicts at presence of high unsolvability often lead to infringements of functioning of nervous system and to psychosomatic to diseases. The accent is done, that deeper understanding psychophysiology mechanisms of intrapersonal conflicts will allow is system to correct and improve psychotherapeutic methodology. In clause it is underlined, that motivational internal conflicts in spite of the fact that their source lays in social and culture space of the person, have objective expression in the form of on psychophysiology a level of functioning of the person. Collision of nervous processes between the activation neural structures of a brain is accompanied by infringement mental self regulation mechanisms and formation pathological psychoreflexes. At the prolonged conflictness there is a high risk of determination psychosomatic diseases. The methodology psychophysiological self-control can be insufficiently for the purpose solution of internal conflicts. Here it is important to consider, that idea of suppression of one of dominants it is impossible to consider as the way solution of conflict. Disputed dominants are capable to be shown in significant resistance of the person to modelling of those or other behavioural strategy. The psychotherapy of this class of diseases should to realize from that understanding that there is a set of vital situations when the person cannot accept that, the decision which it and wished to carry out.

Author Biography

І. О. Красильников, Poltava institute of economy and the right of University «Ukraine»

Krasilnikov I. A.


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