political consciousness, myths, political myths, motives of political behavior, motivation of political participationAbstract
The article develops the view-point on a myth as a symbolic reality which is accepted at the unconscious level and thus makes it easy for young people to orient themselves in the complex contemporary problematic world, self-orientation and the choice of the own life-road. The approach to myths as a cycle-recurrent themes and plot-stories is also targeted, because modern myths are a sequel of those ones which have been historically cultivated during previous generations of Ukrainians. A myth is viewed as emotionally attractive logic-and-image symbolic construction which is perceived as a real one just due to the fact of its existence and, actually, substitutes the reality and remains a suitable one for its perception and usage by young people in the form of explanatory model. An assumption is brought out that myths are inherent to fill-in certain «gaps» or «hollows» in their world outlooks, absence of own opinion and creeds, therefore following the logic of myths recalls dependence of a public opinion and a group-pressure. Illustrated by experimental data received by the author the myth-reflection in the political consciousness of the youth was traced, as well as their relationship with their political behavior. The research enabled to summarize that contemporary young people possesses a creative potential and is oriented to preserve their own values and individuality, as well as their spiritual satisfaction and development. Conceptions on democratic society is quite blurred among young people due to lack of clear way-marks and criteria and also the young people are tended to see Ukraine as a rich and powerful state with high level of living standards, where one can trace a cornucopia myth. The actuality of a hero-myth or an unappealable savior is illustrated by fact, that the expectations and intentions of the young people as regard to their certain and concrete actions are characterized by a hope to change the life in the country combined with the absence of intentions to apply their own efforts. At the same time the readiness to demonstrate concrete forms of participation in the electoral campaign is stimulated largely by a material interest, where one can trace a «the money talks» myth. A conclusion have been made that structuring a reality gives space for manipulations, including political ones; a myth brings a special spiritual sense to the events and makes human intentions actual and that is why can inspire motivate; a myth needs to have its apologets who can share it; a myth creates communicative system of senses, values and targets; myths reflect emotionally sensitive and basically approvable modes of behavior.References
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