
  • О. І. Кононенко Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



perfectionism, personality, striving for perfection, a negative type of perfectionism, correction


The paper presents the rationale and content correction of the negative effects of perfectionism.
Purpose of the article is to reveal and substantiate the content of the program for correcting negative aspects of perfectionism.
The main methodological principles of developing-making corrective programs were: leading position of the cognitive approach and humanistic psychology. the use of in training cognitivist approach contributes to a more patient attitude towards themselves and others maintaining internal balance, confidence that a person cannot be the standard in all, the desire for self-actualization should correlate with their own abilities. Using the basic principles of humanistic psychology as the leading methodological principles of corrective-forming perfectionism training program assumes that the individual is a holistic basis «I», the unique nature experiences what happens with it; person always strives for continuous development, responsible for its actions; lives only in the present time, «here and now» and recognizes and appreciates the inner world of the other. Composed exercise cycle involved the use of corrective influences on self-image blocks, some of the leading features of a perfectionist and socio-psychological adaptation of personality. It was proved the effectiveness of the proposed and implemented corrective training system which indicates the possibility of its use in practice to correct individual perceptions of themselves as representatives of a negative type of perfectionism.

Author Biography

О. І. Кононенко, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Kononenko O. I.


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