
  • О. А. Іванова National University of Defensive of Ukraine of the name of Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Ukraine



regulation of behavior, mechanisms of regulation, style features, female soldiers


In the article the stylistic features of mechanisms regulating the behavior of female soldiers based on their content of display performance characteristics are reviewed. The results of empirical research conducted on the basis of the model regulation of behavior, showed differences in content characteristics of psychological mechanisms regulating the behavior of female soldiers, depending on the effectiveness of their military and professional activities.

Women with high levels of efficiency of military-professional activities mainly use conscious arbitrary regulation — nomination of management and achieving the goal of consciously adopted. Their counterparts with low efficiency increasingly resorting to regulation of behavior is unconscious using safety mechanisms at the unconscious level — to overcome emotional tension control interaction with the environment in order to preserve and maintain a positive self-attitude. It is discovered that female soldiers with the high level of military-professional activity efficiency mainly use the realized arbitrary regulating of behavior, and with a low level are unrealized mechanisms of psychological defense. The diagnostic factors which determine the essential content of the psychological mechanisms regulating the behavior of female soldiers, which are based on individual psychological characteristics of dominant regulatory mechanisms of behavior appropriate military groups — with high, medium and low efficiency of military and professional activities.

Author Biography

О. А. Іванова, National University of Defensive of Ukraine of the name of Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Ivanovа O. A.


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