
  • А. О. Іванченко V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Ukraine



creative life-orientation, psychosomatic normalization, spirituality, linguistic teaching, ancient Eastern self-/body-renewal techniques


The paper shows the positive role of the creative life-orientation in the self-adaptation, psychological self-regeneration and human body protection systems: the psychophysiology improvement and bigger projection upon the high life values are identified, which confirms the effectiveness of innovative author’s technology of linguistic teaching (Italian language). The primacy of spiritual and value reference points that serve as the targets in the creative life-orientation structure have been established: value reference points determine the person’s cognitive, emotional and regulatory orientation, being firmly anchored in the course of time in his fixed installations by means of which a person is guided in own judgments and behavior. A cyclically self-enclosed algorithm of the personal evolution has been proved, namely: spirituality-creativity-spirituality. It has been statistically validated: the more obvious a person’s projection upon the spiritual and human values, in response the more cheerful vitality, productive activity and optimum health status take place. It has been proved that the spirituality and the creative life-orientation act synergistically, being concurrently as a measure of the health safety and strengthening. A positive influence of the ancient East Asian techniques has been revealed: they allow one to sanify the body, strengthen the psychosomatic system, providing in aggregate the powerful psycho-biophysical basis for the further creative and spiritual growth.

Author Biography

А. О. Іванченко, V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University

Ivanchenko A. O.


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