
  • Н. В. Жигалкіна Center for successful relationships «TOGETHER», Ukraine



health, mental health, self-regulation, personal maturity, the realization I am motivation


The authors elucidate key structural components of psychologically healthy person. The structure of health have traditionally distinguished the emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and communicative value as a key determinant components. A special place is the structuring of health as «flower potential».

One of the most promising to health problems is an approach that makes emphasis on the harmonious development of the main potentials (aspects) of the individual, which form a kind of personality structure. This structure is presented in the form of a flower, each petal of which reflects different aspects of mental physical and social health of the individual. Each of the aforementioned potential is important in itself and affects all others.

Provision potential reason (intellectual aspect of health), the potential of freedom (personal aspect of health), the potential feelings (emotional aspect of health), the potential of the body (the physical aspect of health), social potential (the social aspect of health) and creative potential (creative aspect of health) health integration is regarded as characteristic of the individual, covering her inner world and all the originality of the relationship with the environment and includes physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects; a state of equilibrium, a balance between adaptive capacity of human and environmental conditions that are constantly changing. Human health should not be seen as an end in itself; it is only a means of life for utmost fulfillment of human potential.

Author Biography

Н. В. Жигалкіна, Center for successful relationships «TOGETHER»

Zhehalkina N. V.


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