
  • А. Ю. Гільман National University of Ostroh Academy, Ukraine



sanohenic thinking, self-regulation, students, socio-psychological training


The development of students’ personality is inextricably linked with the formation of thinking. The quality of life, relationships with the surrounding, the ways of response to the circumstances of everyday life, etc. are determined by the type of students’ thinking. The way young people think does not impact only their activities and behaviour, but it also influences the attitude to events and results in their state of mind, attitude. The results of the program’s efficiency of socio-psychological training on forming the sanohenic thinking of students in order to improve student psychological well-being, develop awareness skills and analyse vital problems while finding meaningful outputs with stressful situations are described and analyzed in the article. It has been investigated that a fairly high level of development of students sanohenic thinking is observed due to the results of formation stage. The students have become more acceptable for the certain type of reaction with apositive personal meaning or social value than before the training, the intensity of psychosomatic complaints was partially reduced, the rates of students’ neuro-psychological stability of personality has increased, the resistance to stress has also increased, personal and reactive anxiety as a stable individual characteristic of person has decreased. It has been found by the author that the overall index, which determines the level of satisfaction with their lives for the people in training significantly lower than after classes. According to the comparative analysis it was noticed that the level of reflectivity, students’ perseverance and self-control has been increased. Therefore, after the forming program took place it was investigated by the author that this program has the positive influence, indicating the effectiveness of the program on formation of students’ sanohenic thinking.

Author Biography

А. Ю. Гільман, National University of Ostroh Academy

Hilman A. Yu.


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