
  • Н. О. Герасименко Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



value-targeted aspect, motivational orientation, manager, effective activity


This article contains results of empiric-theoretical research of manager’s value-targeted aspect of motivational orientation on effective activity. Results of research about levels of managers’ subjective control and pretension are submitted. The purpose of article is disclosure of substantial-structural load on value-targetable aspect of managers’ personality’s’ motivational orientation on effective activity in condition of social relationship transformations. Changes in social-economic sphere of Ukrainian society’s life activity have led to transformation of social relationships at society and particularly in sphere of manager’s activity. This leads to creation of new value-targeted priorities of managers’ motivational directional personality and activity. Analysis of activity of modern organizations shows that major factor of update and upgrade of value-targeted aspect of direction is creating of new generation of managers who think of manager’s profession personally: they have not only high competence in management but also identifies themselves with values of manager’s activity, orientated on creative self-realization and aimed to self-upgrading in profession. Theoretical analysis of investigation in psychological literature of problems of: direction (J. Atkinson, К. Levin, S. D. Maksymenko, G. Ollport, M. Rokeach, J. Rotter, H. Heckhauzen etc.); direction of personality and professional activity of managers (E. N. Emelianov, L. M. Karamushka, S. Е. Povarnicina, Т. P. Cherniavskaia, U. M. Shvalb etc.) allows to assert that investigated problem is not new in psychological science. But at the same time complete psychological comprehension of motivational direction of manager’s personality on effective activity does not exist at national literature at present time.

Author Biography

Н. О. Герасименко, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Gerasymenko N. О.


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