
  • В. Й. Бочелюк Classic private university, Ukraine



psychology, social individual, socialisation of labor, social needs, social behavior, joint activities


Psychology of management — a new trend in psychology, considering especially the problems of managing employment personality and work of labor collective as a whole. Any scientific direction during its inception, based on existing research areas and is formed in interaction with them, borrowing them concepts, methods and problems developing some and discarding others and thereby creating its own domain and its own view on it. Analyzing the development of Psychology as a scientific field compared with other fields of psychology is important to distinguish two levels — the level of science and logic level requirements of social life. The first level is associated with the development of systems of scientific concepts, the second — the development of social life, the emergence of new forms of it that require new thinking through scientific concepts. Defined subject area Psychology and revealed specifics of its basic concepts. Particular attention is paid to one of its major problems — the problem of socialization of the individual. It is considered in three main aspects: how socialization works as a socialization needs and socialization behavior. The analysis of each of the aspects of specific tasks defined Psychology related to its decision. The main provisions of the proposed solution to the problem of socialization — the rejection of «postulate of immediacy» to analyze the individual and society communication and adoption a link organized joint activities that appear.

Author Biography

В. Й. Бочелюк, Classic private university

Bochelyuk V. Y.


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