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Author Guidelines

Information for Authors

The journal


is a specialized edition of Ukraine and aims to inform readers about new research in the field of psychology.

The journal publishes articles and short messages,

which are the initial results of theoretical studies and surveys on topical issues on the subject of the publication.

Articles published in Ukrainian, Russian or English.


Materials for publication should be laid out as follows:

• in the first row on the left side  indicate the UDC (bold line) , in each of the next line:

• ( in the nominative case highlight the bold line) Surname, first name, middle name or patronymic , degree, academic title , position , working place of the author ( unabridged ) if there are several authors , information about each filed separate lines ;

• (centered in capital letters, bold highlight) Title of the article;

• (centered in bold highlight) Abstract;

• (indented) text annotations in UKRAINIAN;

• (indented) Keywords (list of key words - preferably from three to eight, exude bold highlight);


The structure of the article should reflect the required elements as required by WAC Ukraine to research papers, namely:

problem statement and its relationship with scientific and practical tasks;

analysis of recent research and publications, which have begun to solve problems and on which the author relies on;

allocation unsolved aspects of the problem, which the article is devoted;

formulation of the objectives of article (problem );

summary of the main research and explanation of scientific results;

substantiation of scientific results; conclusions of this study;

perspectives for further research in this area.

• ( centered in bold highlight ) References

• Abstract in RUSSIAN in the following order and form: title ( centered in bold highlight right ) the names and initials of authors ( academic degree, academic title , position , affiliation of the author ( unabridged ) if multiple authors , information about each individual submitted lines ) Abstract (centered in bold highlight ) ( indented) text abstracts, ( indented) keywords ( list of key words - preferably from three to eight, not exude bold ).

• Annotation in ENGLISH (volume 1000 characters) in the following order and form: title ( centered in bold highlight right ) the names and initials of authors ( academic degree, academic title, position, affiliation of the author ( unabridged ) if multiple authors , information about each filed separate lines ); Abstract( centered in bold highlight ) ( indented) text annotations, ( indented ) Keywords: ( list of key words - preferably from three to eight, not exude bold ).

Abstract Article in English must meet the following requirements informative (not in common words ), originality ( do not copy a shortened abstracts submitted in the national language ), consistency ( to display the main content of the article and research results), structured (perhaps even categorization as in Article: object, subject, purpose, method, or methodology, results, scope of results, conclusions), " only in English" (good English ) density (size 100-250 words).

REFERENCES ( transliterated ), which must give completely separate block repeating list of references provided in the national language, whether it is a foreign source or not. If the list is a link to foreign publications, are fully repeated in the list provided in the Latin alphabet. Draw up rules for APA - American Psychological Association



2. The manuscript should be typed in font Times New Roman, 14 size with 1.5 spacing , upper and lower right - 2 cm, left - 2 cm, right - 2 cm paragraph – 1,25 cm section titles in body of the article - in the center , the name of the - of the paragraph, table - in the middle. There shall be formatted using whitespace.

3. Figures in an article inserted in one of the formats (jpeg, bmp, tif, gif) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi ( high quality original file ). Names in the figures perform basic text font and size. Figures sign and numbered (if more than one) under the figure in the center of the text - font size 12, font style italic ( Italic ). All objects in simple figures that are made in Word, must be grouped. The text of the article should not contain pictures and / or text within frames; pictures located on top of / behind the text, and so on, that the text should be formatted so that all objects have been found are located "in the text." Sophisticated, pictures, multiple layers should be drawn up with graphics programs (CorelDraw, Photoshop, etc.).

4. Tables are arranged as separate objects in Word format with dimensions reduced to page assembly. Main table size 11, title 12. Titles of tables placed in the center of the page, mark boldface font, direct, and numbered tables (if more than one) - on the right side of the page.

5. Formulas are formatted in Microsoft Equation 3.0 (4.0), aligned centered in the middle of the text and numbered in parentheses on the right. Font by definition Word: Common - 13 points, large index - 9 points, small index - 6 points, great character - 14 points , a small symbol - 10 points.

6. A separate file - information about the author:

- Surname, name and patronymic;

- Academic title, position, place of work of the author (institution, department);

- Address, email, phone.

 7. The paper should be reviewed and recommended for publication and submitted by scientific consultant or expert on the under study problem, as well as the recommendation of department, made up as an extract from the minutes of the department or Academic Council.

8. The  publication in the journal is not free of charge. (If you cannot obtain your copy a personal journal's printed material will be send to you by mail-company "Novaya Pochta" on author's expenses)

9. Editorial Board, in agreement with the author can edit the material. The responsibility for the content of the article bears the author. In one issue of the journal may be published only one article.


Editorial Board


Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Str. Dvorianskaya, 2,

Odessa, 65082

The electronic version of this article

You can send e-mail to


Scientific editor

Kononenko Oksana –DrSc in Psychology, Professor

phone. 067-796-40-10

Privacy Statement

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